“Historical Geography of Central Asia” Scientific Program

BR21882416 «Historical Geography of Central Asia» is a three-year research program (2023-2025) funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of Kazakhstan and based at the Eurasian Research Institute of the Akhmet Yassawi International Kazakh-Turkish University.

Objective: The program aims to conduct a comprehensive analysis by comparing historical maps, annals, manuscripts, and archival records from various sources (Turkic, Arab, Persian, Chinese, Manchu, Mongolian, Dzungar, European, and Russian) from the 11th to the 19th centuries. It also seeks to comparatively study the historical toponyms of Central Asia and the Kazakh Steppe.

Scientific Novelty and Significance:

Historical geography is a complex field that explores ancient historical records and historical maps in various languages. In the contemporary landscape of national historical science, historical geographical research occupies a critical yet underdeveloped position. The study of the historical geography of Kazakhstan and the Central Asian region is a highly pertinent issue, using various sources from East and West covering the 11th and 19th centuries, including diverse geographical maps and annals, manuscripts, archival records, and dictionaries of historical geographic names. The program endeavors to contribute to the advancement of national historical scholarship by introducing historical maps and archival documents into scientific circulation.

The program employs methods such as document analysis, historical, etymological, comparative-historical, diachronic, and comparative-linguistic approaches to collect, analyze, sort, and compare historical data found in historical maps, imperial archive collections, and manuscript sources from Eastern and Western countries. To achieve this, research is conducted by selecting and comparing historical cartographic materials stored in libraries, museums, and archives in Europe, Russia, the USA, China, Türkiye, Iran, Japan, and Taiwan.

Primary Objectives:

–     Collect and catalog significant historical maps related to Central Asia and its neighboring regions;

–     Establish a comprehensive database for the study of historical-geographical works and the historical toponymy of Central Asia;

–     Introduce valuable archival data, manuscripts, and maps relevant to the historical geography of Central Asia into scholarly circulation.

–     Conduct research and document the geographical features, including mountains, rivers, lakes, cities, and settlements depicted in historical data and maps.

–     Illustrate the historical, archaeological, cultural, spiritual, social, and demographic aspects of Central Asia’s geography through an interactive map.

Expected Outcomes of the Program:

  • Publication of at least 2 (two) volumes of the scientific monograph «Historical Geography of Central Asia»;
  • Creation of 1 (one) Atlas of electronic historical maps accessible by QR-code;
  • Development of an interactive historical-scientific map of Central Asia;
  • Production of a large-format historical-geographical souvenir map of Central Asia;
  • Publication of at least 5 (five) articles or reviews in peer-reviewed scientific journals indexed in the Social Science Citation Index, Arts and Humanities Citation Index, or Russian Science Citation Index in the Web of Science, and/or achieve at least a 35th percentile CiteScore in Scopus;
  • Publication of at least 10 (ten) peer-reviewed articles or reviews in foreign and/or domestic journals (as recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan);
  • Organization of two international scientific conferences with the participation of foreign experts.

Core Team

Principal Investigator — Ilyasova Zibagul Suleymenovna, Candidate of Historical Sciences,
Associate Professor of the Department of Oriental Studies, L.N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

Z.S. Ilyasova has been conducting research in the field of historical geography for many years. In the last five years, Z.S. Ilyasova has published 2 textbooks and 14 articles in journals recommended by the Committee for Quality Assurance in the Field of Science and Higher Education of the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Also, Z.S. Ilyasova takes part in the project АР14871737 “Historical geography of the cities of Syrdarya, Talas and Zhetysu region in ancient and medieval times: Based on Chinese and Arabic sources” project funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2022-2024 years, as a senior researcher.